I am looking for free open source java decompilers. Any suggestions?
We are using Windows 7
I found out that Dcompiler
is open source, and downloadeded it. (It has come as a RAR file, nothing is there in it except its class files) .
Could you please suggest one which is a open source?
- http://cavaj-java-decompiler.en.softonic.com/
- http://java.decompiler.free.fr/
It's not open source but it's free:
DJ JAVA Decompiler
Here is one more and it is Open Source. I found it on SourceForge.net
Are you looking for a tool to decompile or looking to learn how to write one yourself?
If you are just looking for a decompiler that works and is free then I strongly recommend the decompiler here, which I use professionally on a regular basis : http://java.decompiler.free.fr/
I just published a stand-alone Java Decompiler GUI (based on Jad) which you can get from Util Java Decompiler (JAD based) v1.0
This is a Windows based .NET 4.0 application, which supports the drag n'drop of *.jar files.