I'm writing a console application that will be deployed with an installation of an application we are writing. The console app aims to fix a bug in vista that will allow our application to be installed correctly in Vista. The console application works fine, but can I count on the .NET framework being installed on all Vista machines - is it installed by default?
According to this site:
Windows Vista comes packaged with Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 and 3.0, but not version 1.1, which may still required by some applications
So if your console application targets v 2.0 or v 3.0 you should be OK
The .NET Framework 3.0 is installed by default on Microsoft Windows Vista
Source: Deploying Microsoft .NET Framework Version 3.0
There is a list of which versions of .Net are installed on which versions of Windows on Wikipedia.
- Windows XP and before don't come with .Net
- Windows Server 2003 comes with .Net 1.1
- Windows Vista comes with .Net 3.0
- Windows 2008 comes with .Net 3.0
- Windows 2008 R2 comes with .Net 3.5
- Windows 7 is probably going to come with .Net 3.5
.NET 3 is installed on Vista by default.
Yes. See here for an overview.
Yes .Net 3.0 is installed by default on Vista
According to the MSDN (emphasis mine):
The .NET Framework 3.0 is installed by default on Microsoft Windows Vista. On Microsoft Windows Server code-named "Longhorn", you can install the .NET Framework as a Windows Feature using Roles Management tools.