Which is the efficient way to compare two images (Bitmaps), to check if they are the same or not?
I've tried to document me and I've read that I need to re-size both images to around 16x16px, but I don't get the expected result.
I've tried to compare the resized images using .Equals:
If img1.Equals(img2) then
msgbox("are equals!")
End if
I've seen AForge image library but I can't found any method inside to compare Images.
Is there way to do an efficient Image comparison using .NET classes or 3rd party libs without hardcode a pixel-per-pixel image comparer? If not, any example of a function to compare images?
You need to think carefully about your requirements and what equal means. If you are doing a direct pixel by pixel comparison, then you can find numerous .net image classes to help with this (I am not a .net expert but try here Image Comparison for find percentage of similarity between images )
Of course implementing a simple direct image difference is fairly easy. You could even allow for slight differences with difference < threshold, which the tutorial in the above SO answer discusses. Incidentally this answer also mentions SIFT, which I did not realize until after I had mentioned it. SIFT is a good tool depending on your requirements.
The SIFT 3rd party tool is a great way to compare images that can have slight variations, but you might have to make a system call as I am not sure if they provide a .net interface. The definitive website for SIFT implementation is: http://www.cs.ubc.ca/~lowe/keypoints/
I did find this on the internet: http://www.nowozin.net/sebastian/tu-berlin-2006/libsift/ which claims to be a c# implementation.