Errai 4 running on Tomcat [closed]

谁说胖子不能爱 提交于 2019-12-05 21:22:00

To show how to run an Errai 4 Maven project on Tomcat server, I created a project on GitHub called errai-tutorial-tomcat.


Your Errai webapp must be installed on your local Maven repository ( mvn install )

Create a new Maven project (war packaging) and import your previous webapp

for example : errai-tutorial (


Add Tomcat missing dependencies

  1. Weld Servlet Core ( )

  2. Jersey JAX-RS core Servlet 2.x implementation

  3. Hibernate definition of the Java Persistence 2.0 (JSR 317) API.


Add Weld Servlet listener in Web.xml file


Add BeanManager reference in Web.xml file

    <resource-env-ref-type>javax.enterprise.inject.spi.BeanManager </resource-env-ref-type>

Add Jersey JAX-RS core Servlet in Web.xml file


Add context.xml file in META-INF directory

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

    <Resource name="BeanManager"

STB Land

To show how to run an Errai 4 (4.1.3.Final) Maven project on Tomcat server (7.x or 8.x), I created another project from scratch on GitHub called test-errai4-tomcat.

For now, it display a simple form that can :

  • send message to server with the Errai Client Bus.
  • calling REST service with the Errai JAX-RS