How To Get My Solutions Into Windows Problemm Reports and Solutions

亡梦爱人 提交于 2019-12-05 20:30:12

This article shows how to set up OCA for Windows XP, I believe that the steps still apply for Windows Vista and Windows 7.

It turns out that the current name for OCA is "WinQual". The official web site is here.

How nice of Microsoft to require registration now if we want to provide them information that will make their tool better.

The reasoning behind it is probably this:

  • Registration is for your own protection: If there was no registration, anyone could have error reports for your app problems sent to them. Even (and specifically) your competitors!

  • A Certification Authority (CA) verifies the identity of the ISV (independent software vendor) companies that register with them. Microsoft uses the certificate as proof of identity of an ISV company that registers with Winqual. If they had to do the ID checking themselves, they'd likely need an own department for this.

  • The registration is to allow you to make your application better, to cut down on future support and to keep your customer base happy. It's not for "their tool". Correct? :-)