Mobclix Ads not showing in android

拈花ヽ惹草 提交于 2019-12-05 19:53:59

Did you check your DDMS for the MobClix ad request failed or something? And, did you sign up for all the merchants/ad-providers in the service tab?

I got solved my problem with the help of @Anupam answer but

still few more changes we made at client side (MobClix Account)

I going to write down here..

  1. I've made sure that test mode is OFF on all possible ad sizes.
  2. I've also made sure that I clicked YES on all the "ads running" buttons listed.
  3. Also I select to sign up with each individual ad network that works within the Mobclix system Some of those take a few days for approval, so for now may be we will not get all ads.

And that's it I am getting Ads like a charm :)
