How to create a Func<> delegate programmatically

这一生的挚爱 提交于 2019-12-05 19:23:12

That's not trivial. One possible solution would be to work with reflection:

  1. Create a generic ResolveType method:

    public static T ResolveType<T>()
        return (T)ResolveType(typeof(T));
  2. Create a delegate that uses this method:

    // You probably want to cache this MethodInfo:
    var method = typeof(TypeContainingResolveType)
                     .Single(x => x.IsGenericMethod && 
                                  x.Name == "ResolveType")
    var delegate = Delegate.CreateDelegate(
  3. Use that delegate:

    return Activator.CreateInstance(_lazyType.MakeGenericType(arg), delegate);

This app outputs "True" and "0". I.e. ResolveTest(typeof(Lazy<int>)) returns a Lazy<int> object, constructed like you wanted.

using System;
using System.Linq.Expressions;

namespace TestApp
    public class Class1
        public static void Main()
            object lazyInt = ResolveTest(typeof(Lazy<int>));
            Console.WriteLine(lazyInt.GetType() == typeof(Lazy<int>));

        static readonly Type _lazyType = typeof(Lazy<>);
        static Object ResolveTest(Type type)
            if (type.IsGenericType && type.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == _lazyType)
                var arg = type.GetGenericArguments()[0];
                var lazyArgType = _lazyType.MakeGenericType(arg);
                var funcArgType = typeof(Func<>).MakeGenericType(arg);
                var funcCtor = lazyArgType.GetConstructor(new[] { funcArgType });
                Expression<Func<object>> f = () => ResolveTest(arg);
                var func = typeof(Class1).GetMethod("BuildCastedThing").MakeGenericMethod(arg).Invoke(null, new[] { f });
                var arguments = new object[] { func };

                var retVal = funcCtor.Invoke(arguments);
                return retVal;
                return ResolveType(type);
        public static object ResolveType(Type type)
            return Activator.CreateInstance(type);
        public static Func<T> BuildCastedThing<T>(Expression<Func<object>> f)
            Expression<Func<T>> expr =

            return expr.Compile();

This is a way to rewrite ResolveTest as a generic Resolve<T> (e.g. Resolve<int> returns Lazy<int>). This is a little different, since there's no equivalent to ResolveTest(typeof(int)), which returns an int.

static Lazy<T> Resolve<T>()
    var arg = typeof(T);
    return new Lazy<T>(() => (T)ResolveType(arg));

Or with a generic ResolveType<T>:

static Lazy<T> Resolve<T>()
    return new Lazy<T>(() => ResolveType<T>());
public static T ResolveType<T>()
    return Activator.CreateInstance<T>();
public static Object ResolveTest(Type type)
    if (type.IsGenericType && type.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == _lazyType)
        var arg = type.GetGenericArguments()[0];

        Expression<Func<object>> expressionWithFuncOfTypeObject = () => ResolveType(arg);
        UnaryExpression expressionThatEvaluatesToAnObjectOfTypeArg = Expression.Convert(expressionWithFuncOfTypeObject.Body, arg);
        LambdaExpression expressionWithFuncOfTypeArg = Expression.Lambda(typeof(Func<>).MakeGenericType(arg), expressionThatEvaluatesToAnObjectOfTypeArg);
        Delegate funcOfTypeArg = expressionWithFuncOfTypeArg.Compile(); // <-- At runtime this will be of type Func<T>

        return Activator.CreateInstance(_lazyType.MakeGenericType(arg), funcOfTypeArg);
        return ResolveType(type);