Hamming Filter in Frequency and Spatial Domain

让人想犯罪 __ 提交于 2019-12-05 18:59:21

From the data you posted what you call "Gibbs" on space are high frequency components on frequency. When you multiply your hamming window in frequency in fact you are smoothing those higher frequencies. They are in the borders (negative and positive) of your complex array k1.

Bellow is what happens when you make k2 = wk.*k1;

That's why your so called space "Gibbs" is gone.

This is not a stander use of a Hamming window that is commonly applied on time|space to reduce Gibb's on frequency when clipping and sampling a signal, function or filter kernel on time|space.

To reproduce it in space you would have to design a very smooth low pass filter that gives the hamming window response in frequency to make that convolution. I don't recall the inverse transform of a Hamming Window but you could use a gaussian filter.

Btw wx = ifft(ifftshift(wk)); gives a wx not symmetric with respect to its maximum.
