Can't run Angular > 2 e2e using protractor behind a proxy

邮差的信 提交于 2019-12-05 18:53:11

ng e2e will execute webdriver-manager start/update in background, and webdriver-manager start will access "" to query latest webdriver binary, your error comes from here.

Because ng e2e can't accept proxy from cli or pre-configured file, the only way you can set proxy for webdriver-manager start/update triggered by ng e2e is by Environment Variable.

Add below 3 Environment Variables:

HTTP_PROXY = http://my-proxy:port
HTTPS_PROXY = http://my-proxy:port
NO_PROXY = localhost,,

Try ng e2e in new cmd window (don't try in old cmd window)

FYI, once you add the 3 Environment Variables, you no need to pass --proxy in cli when execute webdriver-manager start/update.
