Playing two files in a row in JavaScript

こ雲淡風輕ζ 提交于 2019-12-05 17:39:32

Since your problem is a bit "localized" (it doesn't work because of syntax errors), I've abstracted your question to allow me to provide an answer that is useful for others too.

How to play multiple mp3 files in a row

include this into your context:

var Mp3Queue = function(container, files) {
    var index = 1;
    if(!container || !container.tagName || container.tagName !== 'AUDIO')throw 'Invalid container';
    if(!files || !files.length)throw 'Invalid files array';        

    var playNext = function() {
        if(index < files.length) {
            container.src = files[index];
            index += 1;
        } else {
            container.removeEventListener('ended', playNext, false);

    container.addEventListener('ended', playNext);

    container.src = files[0];

use it like this:

//whatever is your audio element
var container = document.getElementById('container'); 

//play files in a row
new Mp3Queue(container, [

here is working example:

In your specific case that would be:

function telltime() {
    var d = new Date();
    var h = d.getHours();
    var m = d.getMinutes();

    new Mp3Queue(container, [