Optional environment variables with vcproj/vsprops

谁说胖子不能爱 提交于 2019-12-05 17:19:06

I do not think this can be done at project level: the vc project file is not parsed for logical statements as far as I know (apart from the build events in which you can use batch file syntax but that's because they are ran as a batch file).

The only thing you can do is create a global environment variable that has the default variable. It will be overriden if the environment in which devenv is called also specifies it.





override this in a batch file:

set MYVSOUTDIR="d:/mytemp"

hmm, apparently I do not know how to fromat XML here

 <PropertyGroup Condition=" '$(your_var)' == '' ">

I know it's technically outside the purview of my original question, but I've gone about solving this by writing an add-in that will detect if the environment variable is set and, if not, construct the variable's default value and store it. It's not the most elegant solution, but it works.
