Export event with C# to iCalendar and vCalendar format

本秂侑毒 提交于 2019-12-05 16:46:24
  1. Stack Overflow Question on the difference between vcal and ical. Wikipedia has some more info and here is a Google Answers question on the same topic. Basically iCal inherits from the earlier vCal implementation. The main changes are the amount of information and the format that that data can take.

  2. For .NET, use Doug Day's great DDay.iCal library. It can export both ical and vcal formats. (Just set the calendar version to 1.0 instead of 2.0 to enable compatability for outlook 2003/vcal)

  3. The Wikipedia article has some information on Outlook's implementation of the iCal standard, but doesn't have any information on changes between the two.
