WCF Client error: “The address of the security token issuer is not specified”

余生长醉 提交于 2019-12-05 16:18:57

The binding is setup with an IssuedToken credential type:

<issuedTokenParameters keyType="SymmetricKey" tokenType="" /> 

First, I'm not sure why your tokenType attribute is blank. This should be set to the type of token that is going to be negotiated, such as a SAML token which would be tokenType="http://docs.oasis-open.org/wss/oasis-wss-saml-token-profile-1.1#SAMLV1.1" for example.

Next node has a child node called <issuer> which allows you to specify the address of an secure token server (STS) that the client should use to negotiate the token. The exception that you're getting is telling you that this specifically is not configured. An <issuer> element might look like this.

<issuer address="https://someserver/SomeSTS" binding="<some binding type>" bindingConfiguration="<some binding configuration for the STS>" />

In addition to the address you'll want to specify the binding type that should be used along with any custom configuration that you might need to be able to talk with the STS.
