mscordacwks.dll and mscorwks.dll confusions

独自空忆成欢 提交于 2019-12-05 15:25:15


What are the different functions mscordacwks.dll and mscorwks.dll performing in .Net framework runtime, build and in debugging process? Are there any recommended readings for this topic? I have searched for quite some time but failed.

thanks in advance, George


mscorwks is the main MS CLR implementation.

mscordacwks provides a data-access abstraction over the CLR details, so that debuggers (such as SOS) don't need to know too much about the internals of mscorwks. A discussion is given here.

But in general, you simply don't need to work with these - so unless you're writing your own IDE/debugger, you can probably leave them alone.

