Thread running in Middleware is using old version of parent's instance variable

白昼怎懂夜的黑 提交于 2019-12-05 15:20:12

Unicorn (and apparently puma) both start up a master process and then fork one or more workers. fork copies (or at least presents the illusion of copying - an actual copy usually only happens as you write to pages) your entire process but only the thread that called fork exists in the new process.

Clearly your app is being initialised before being forked - this is normally done so that workers can start quickly and benefit from copy on write memory savings. As a consequence your redis checking thread is only running in the master process whereas @clients is being modified in the child process.

You can probably work around this by either deferring the creation of your redis thread or disabling app preloading, however you should be aware that your setup will prevent you from scaling beyond a single worker process (which with puma and a thread friendly JVM like jruby would be less of a constraint)

Just in case somebody will face the same problem, here are two solutions I have come up with:

1. Disable app preloading (this was the first solution I have come up with)

Simply remove preload_app! from the puma.rb file. Therefore, all threads will have their own @clients variable. And they will be accessible by other middleware methods (like call etc.)

Drawback: you will lose all benefits of app preloading. It is OK if you have only 1 or 2 workers with a couple of threads, but if you need a lot of them, then it's better to have app preloading. So I continued my research, and here is another solution:

2. Move thread initialization out of initialize method (this is what I use now)

For example, I moved it to call method, so this is how middleware class code looks like:

attr_accessor :subscriber

def call(env)
  @subscriber ||= do # if no subscriber present, init new one
    redis_sub = ENV['REDISCLOUD_URL'])
    redis_sub.subscribe(CHANNEL) do |on|
      on.message do |_, msg|
        # parsing message code here, retrieve user
        send_message(, { message: "ECHO: #{}"} )
  # other code from method

Both solutions solve the same problem: Redis-listening thread will be initialized for each Puma worker/thread, not for main process (which is actually not serving requests).
