Hole punching using STUN

為{幸葍}努か 提交于 2019-12-05 14:22:59 is not your private IP address. Its your NAT's public/external IP:Port. Private IP is your PC/Device's interface address.

From your scenario I am guessing you have a symmetric NAT. In Symmetric NAT, your NAT's public port changes every time you send some packets to a different destination. If your destination remains same then the NAT's public IP:Port also remains same.

For other types of NAT if your private IP doesn't change then it doesn't matter where you send your packets, your NATs public IP:port (in your case will remain same.

Hole punching is not possible if one side has **Symmetric NAT and other side has Symmetric/PRC NAT.

**By Symmetric NAT I mean Symmetric NAT which gives random port allocation.

Hole punching is technically not impossible if both sides have symmetric NAT (although the traversal process may be too unreliable to be worth the hassle). Please read my paper:


Or one of the papers that it references:

  1. http://tools.ietf.org/id/draft-takeda-symmetric-nat-traversal-00.txt

  2. https://www.goto.info.waseda.ac.jp/~wei/file/wei-apan-v10.pdf

  3. http://journals.sfu.ca/apan/index.php/apan/article/view/75/pdf_31
