How to make bmp image from pixel byte array in java

若如初见. 提交于 2019-12-05 14:13:22

You need to pack three bytes into each integer you make. Depending on the format of the buffered image, this will be 0xRRGGBB.

byteToInt will have to consume three bytes like this:

private int[] byteToInt(byte[] data) {
    int[] ints = new int[data.length / 3];

    int byteIdx = 0;
    for (int pixel = 0; pixel < ints.length) {
        int rByte = (int) pixels[byteIdx++] & 0xFF;
        int gByte = (int) pixels[byteIdx++] & 0xFF;
        int bByte = (int) pixels[byteIdx++] & 0xFF;
        int rgb = (rByte << 16) | (gByte << 8) | bByte
        ints[pixel] = rgb;

You can also use ByteBuffer.wrap(arr, offset, length).toInt()

Having just a byte array is not enough. You also need to construct a header (if you are reading from a raw format, such as inside a DICOM file).
