Resetting auto-increment column back to 0 daily

限于喜欢 提交于 2019-12-05 11:41:28

It could be pretty trivial with a cronjob

0 0 * * * echo "SELECT setval('public.my_table_id_seq', 1, false)" | psql -U my_db_user -d my_db_name

Alternately, you could set your "serial" column DEFAULT to call a stored procedure, which would check for a day rollover, reset the sequence if appropriate, and then return the result of nextval().

But other than that, no, I wouldn't expect that there's a magic ALTER SEQUENCE my_seq RESET AT INERVAL '1 day' or anything like that.

Edit: incorporated duckyfuzz's comment.

Basicaly you can reset sequence with this one:

ALTER SEQUENCE your_sequence_name RESTART WITH 1;

