Using best_in_place with rich-text editor like TinyMCE

我们两清 提交于 2019-12-05 10:43:10

I gave up trying to do this with best_in_place, so this question as written is still open to a better answer. However, for those who might find this question later and wonder what I eventually came up with, here's what I did in the end:

  1. Junked best_in_place.
  2. Forked the jeditable-rails plugin to get Jeditable as an in-place editor.
  3. Adapted the plugin to provide Jeditable, jWYSIWYG, and the Jeditable-jWYSIWYG custom input as assets for the Rails asset pipeline (along with related CSS and images for jWYSIWYG).
  4. Profit! (Not really.)

Anyway, if you're trying to do rich-text in-place editing in Rails 3.2, try the jeditable-wysiwyg-rails plugin. It's providing the assets for the markItUp editor as well, although because I'm not using it I'm not sure they're all there and/or arranged properly.
