C++ min heap with user-defined type

余生长醉 提交于 2019-12-05 09:52:09

Add a comparison operator:

struct DOC{

    int docid;
    double rank;
    bool operator<( const DOC & d ) const {
       return rank < d.rank;

Structures can almost always usefully have a constructor, so I would also add:

DOC( int i, double r ) : docid(i), rank(r) {]

to the struct as well.

Simply create your own "functor" for the comparison. Since you want a "min heap" your comparison function should behave like the greater than operator:

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>

struct doc {
    double rank;
    explicit doc(double r) : rank(r) {}

struct doc_rank_greater_than {
    bool operator()(doc const& a, doc const& b) const {
        return a.rank > b.rank;

int main() {
    std::vector<doc> docvec;
    docvec.push_back( doc(4) );
    docvec.push_back( doc(3) );
    docvec.push_back( doc(2) );
    docvec.push_back( doc(1) );
    std::cout << docvec.front().rank << '\n';

It's important that you always use the same comparison function in further heap operations.
