I have the code working fine using this plugin as long as the input type=text, but I would like to use type=number so the proper keyboard is shown on mobile devices.
Is there a way to do this, hopefully with some setting I have missed in the documentation?
Here is my html:
<input id="Price" name="Price" type="number" placeholder="0.00" tabindex="3"/>
Here is my js:
$('#Price').inputmask("[9][9]9.99", {
numericInput: true,
"placeholder": "0",
showMaskOnHover: false,
greedy: false
The jQuery Inputmask plugin (http://plugins.jquery.com/jquery.inputmask/) uses setSelectionRange
, selectionStart
, selectionEnd
(in https://github.com/RobinHerbots/jquery.inputmask/blob/3.x/js/jquery.inputmask-multi.js). These properties/methods have been dropped on <input type="number"/>
fields in Chrome when they updated to conform to a W3C change.
If you feel the W3C change to remove these features on number fields was in error, please vote for the Bugzilla bug #24796
There are some hacks to workaround this issue or you may need to resort to using <input type="text">
I have found that using <input type="tel" />
allows for numeric inputs on cell phones, and also allows all the same events to fire as type="text"
Browsers without support for these types will fall back to using the "text" type.
Hopefully this helps someone else.
My solution is add pattern="[0-9]*" to input type="text", or if it didn't work, use input type="tel" - that allows for numeric inputs on phones