knockout.js applybindings after breeze js queries completed

a 夏天 提交于 2019-12-05 07:48:15

A few thoughts occur to me:

  1. I rarely push one-by-one into the observableArray. Too many DOM updates. Create a temporary array instead and update the observableArray with that. I believe this is the answer to the performance problem you're asking about.

  2. Set up an initialize method that returns a promise when all initial async load methods complete.

  3. Delay ko.applyBindings until the initialize promise resolves successfully.

  4. Consider showing a splashscreen + spinner while waiting for initialization to finish.

  5. Try not to do too much during initialization.

I can't show you how to do every one of these things in this answer. I'll show you #1 here and refer you "Fetch on Launch" in the documentation for #2. Web search + experimentation are your friends for the rest.

Update observableArray with an array
processBrokerQueryResults = function (data) {
        var tempArray = []
        $.each(data.results, function (i, d) {

        // I prefer named fns to long lambdas
        function dtoToBroker(dto) {
           return new my.Broker()

I like to use the ECMAScript 5 syntax which returns an array after applying a function to each element of a source array. So I'd write:

processBrokerQueryResults = function (data) {