Doctrine: How to remove part of a where clause from select query inside listener (preDqlSelect)?

别来无恙 提交于 2019-12-05 06:55:16
Joshua Coady

Calling $query->getDqlPart('where') will return an array of the parts of the where clause as they were added via the where(), andWhere(), etc functions. So you can use that to find and remove the part you want.

Then you have to deal with the params. While cycling through the where parts you would need to find all ? and count them and remember the numbers for any of the ones you remove and then call $params = $query->getParams(); and the where clause parameters will be in $params['where'] so you can remove them from there and then call $query->setParams($params);

Based Joshua Coady Answer

    $qb = <query builder>;
    $qb_where_part = $qb->getDqlPart('where')->getParts();
    // we know by dumping that it is an and operator in our case, generic way shoud take op in account
    foreach ($qb_where_part as $where_clause) {
        if (' > :date_debut' === $where_clause) continue;
    $params = $qb->getParameters();
    $new_date_fin = null;
    foreach ($params as $key => $param) {
        if ($param->getName() === 'date_debut') {
            $new_date_fin = $param->getValue();
        if ($param->getName() === 'date_fin' && $new_date_fin) {