We are using Visual Studio 2013 with SSDT mainly for versioning t-sql code, so the sql is being developed on the dev server and then we use schema compare to transfer the scripts into visual studio (and check into Git). Before deployment (which we currently do with schema compare, too) we have to replace database and server references (with [$(database)] etc.). If we change the code in the dev server and compare again, such SQLCMD variables are lost again. (I would expect schema compare to be smart enough to retain the SQLCMD variables but I found no way to accomplish this).
The logical step is to develop sql in visual studio from the start. But so far, it has been hard to convince anybody in the team to do that. One can write sql and execute it in VS, no problem. One can also switch to SQLCMD mode and execute, all right. But when you create e.g. a view in VS, you must write down a create statement and of course this can be executed once but will yield an error when altering the view and executing the create statement again.
So my question is if anybody has some essential tips on how to do database development exclusively in Visual Studio. We were able to get the database references and all that straight, but not the development process.
I've been streamlining local database development and deployment using Visual Studio database projects for a few years now. Here are some tips.
In general...
Use local db instances: Each developer should have their own database instance installed locally. All scripts (tables, views, stored procs, etc.) should be developed in Visual Studio. Create a publish profile for deploying the project to the local db instance.
Use Publish feature: Confusingly Visual Studio provides both a Deploy and a Publish option which ultimately do the same thing. I recommend using just Publish because it's more prominent in the UI and you can create profiles to configure the deployment process for various database instances.
Keep local db up to date: When a developer makes changes in the database project and checks them in to source control then the other developers should check out these changes and republish the project to their local databases.
Create vs. Alter statements
All of your statements should be Create statements. There is no need for Alter statements or existence checks. Everything should be scripted as if you are creating the database objects for the first time. When you deploy or publish, VS will know whether to issue Alter statements for existing objects.
Some ideas:
Script your data as a series of Insert statements. Include them in a post-deployment script in the database project. But this can be tedious and error-prone.
Keep a database backup that includes all of your test data. When setting up a development environment for the first time, create the database from the backup. After you make significant changes to the data, create a new backup and have your devs recreate their databases from the backup. In most cases it's ok if the backup is out of sync with the schema defined in the project -- simply republish the project (make sure to turn off the "Re-create database" setting so that only the differences are published and thus the data is not lost).
There may be 3rd party tools to do this in which case they are worth looking in to.
Create your own solution for deploying data. Mine involved the following and worked really nicely (but required a lot of time and effort!):
- All data stored in XML files - 1 file per table - whose structure resembled the table
- An executable to read the XML files and generate SQL merge (or insert/update) statements for each row of data and save them to a SQL script
- A pre-build event in the database project to run the executable and copy the resulting SQL script to a post-deployment script in the project
- Publish the project and the data will be pushed during post-deployment
Test/Production Deployments
Publish feature: You can create publish profiles for your test and production environments. However it will include your pre- and post-deployment scripts, and you won't get the versatility that the other options provide.
dacpacs: Ed Elliott covered them in his answer. Advantages: no need for Visual Studio to deploy, they can be deployed via SQL Management Studio or the command line with sqlpackage.exe, they can be easier to work with than a T-SQL deployment script.
Schema Compare: Schema compare may be good if you can use Visual Studio for your deployments and you like to double check all of the changes being deployed. You can also selectively ignore changes which is useful when you aren't lucky enough to have a development environment that completely mirrors production.
SSDT is mature enough to use it to create your scripts and deploy your changes but you should move away from using the schema compare to doing deployments using sqlpackage.exe
The process looks something like:
-write code in vs/ssdt -build project which results in a dacpac (either on your machine or ci server) -deploy dacpac to db instance, using variables if you need to, to bring db's up to date. Use sqlpackage.exe to deploy or generate scripts which can be deployed manually
It should be pretty straight forward, but please ask if you are not sure on anything!
An age-old challenge. We've tried to use the data projects as they were defined through the years, but ran into several problems, including the fact that it seemed that these projects changed with every release of Visual Studio.
Now, we use the data project only to integrate with TFS for work item management and source code control. The way we do it so that we can build sprocs/views in Visual Studio is we write each script using the drop/create pattern. Our scripts also contain security (we made the mistake of using the default schema... if I could go back in time we'd segregate schemas and do schema-based role level security).
For table schema, we do schema compares to/from a versioned template database.
A typical stored proc looks like this:
IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.objects WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[sp_MyStoredProcedure]') AND type in (N'P', N'PC'))
DROP PROCEDURE [dbo].[sp_MyStoredProcedure]
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[sp_MyStoredProcedure]
@MyParameter int
-- Stored Procedure Guts
select 1
Good luck... ultimately, it just has to work for your team.
We are currently on the way to move from SSMT to SSDT. I see that we all facing the same problems and it is very strange that there is no good tutorial on the net (at least I haven't found it yet).
First of all about the variables. I think that you need to update to the newest version of SSDT (20015.02) + DacFx. We are using it and we do not have any problems with variables. It also has some new very good features as do not drop some objects on the target if they do not exist in the source.
However we came to solution to use synonyms for all cross database and linked server objects. For example we have table in the AnotherDatabase.dbo.NewTable. We create synonym [dbo].[syn_AnotherDatabase_dbo_NewTable] FOR [$(AnotherDatabase)].[dbo].[NewTable] and use it in the code instead of referencing the other databases. The same with linked servers: CREATE SYNONYM [syn_LinkedDatabase_dbo_NewTable] FOR [$(LinkedServer)].[$(LinkedDatabase)].[dbo].[NewTable].
Now about the development process. We set debug to our dev database in the project properties (later we are going to have separate databases for each developer). Then when you are modifying stored procedures/views/functions/etc... You open the script, change the CREATE to alter and you can work in the same way as you were doing in the SSMT. You can modify the body, execute it, execute queries in that window. However when you finish, you change it back from ALTER to CREATE and save the file.
The problem here is with the objects that does not support ALTER statement. In that case, you need to publish the code first. But in practice you are doing it so not so frequently so I believe that it is not so big deal.