Make the source code from one code block the input to another code block in Emacs org-mode

泄露秘密 提交于 2019-12-05 01:31:49

If you have set up emacs/org-mode so that python code is enabled ((python . t) in org-babel-do-load-languages), you are almost there, I changed your example to

#+NAME: basic_query 
  SELECT name, grade FROM students 

#+BEGIN_SRC python :export results :noweb yes :tangle yes
import sql_helper 
query = """
query_status = sql_helper.run_query(query)  


My python is a little rusty, but at least if I tangle this to

import sql_helper 
query = """
    SELECT name, grade FROM students 

query_status = sql_helper.run_query(query)

python does no longer complain about the syntax, but about the missing module sql_helper...
