AppCache Manifest Error

末鹿安然 提交于 2019-12-04 23:57:47

I solved my own issue. I re-read some of the old articles that first taught me about appcache. Turns out it was Gotcha #5.

GOTCHA #5: NON-CACHED RESOURCES WILL NOT LOAD ON A CACHED PAGE If you cache index.html but not cat.jpg, that image will not display on index.html even if you’re online. No, really, that’s intended behaviour, see for yourself.

To disable this behaviour, use the NETWORK section of the manifest

# v1index.html

The * indicates that the browser should allow all connections to non-cached resources from a cached page. Here, you can see it applied to the previous example. Obviously, these connections will still fail while offline.

I added the following to my manifest & now everything is well. Woo-hoo.
