
匆匆过客 提交于 2019-11-26 20:38:05


      操作系统:rhel 5.4 x86

      数据库:Oracle 11g R2



SQL> create table jack_test(id int,name varchar2(60),created date) 2 2 partition by range(created) 3 3 ( 4 4 partition p2011 values less than(to_date('2012-01-01','yyyy-mm-dd')), 5 5 partition p2012 values less than(to_date('2013-01-01','yyyy-mm-dd')), 6 6 partition pmax values less than (maxvalue) 7 7 ); 8 9 Table created. ----------创建全文索引----------------------------------------------------------------------
11 SQL> create index jack_test_ind on jack_test(name) indextype is ctxsys.context local; 12 13 Index created.


SQL> create table jack_temp as select * from jack_test; 2 3 Table created.



[oracle@node2 jack]$ vi jack_test_2011.ctl 2 3 OPTIONS (DIRECT=TRUE) 4 LOAD DATA 5 INFILE '/home/oracle/jack/jack_test_2011.dat' 6 BADFILE '/home/oracle/jack/jack_test_2011.bad' 7 DISCARDFILE '/home/oracle/jack/jack_test_2011.dsc' 8 APPEND INTO TABLE jack_temp 9 (id TERMINATED BY WHITESPACE, 10 name TERMINATED BY WHITESPACE, 11 created DATE "YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS" TERMINATED BY WHITESPACE)
[oracle@node2 jack]$ more jack_test_2011.dat 14 13628 index 2011-6-8 15 13629 index 2011-6-8 16 13630 index 2011-6-8 17 13631 index 2011-6-8 18 13632 index 2011-6-8 19 13633 index 2011-6-8 20 13634 index 2011-6-8 21 13635 index 2011-6-8 22 13636 index 2011-6-8 23 13637 index 2011-6-8 24 13638 index 2011-6-8 25 13639 index 2011-6-8 26 13640 index 2011-6-8 27 13641 index 2011-6-8 28 13642 index 2011-6-8 29 13643 index 2011-6-8



[oracle@node2 jack]$ sqlldr jack/jack control=jack_test_2011.ctl 2 3 SQL*Loader: Release - Production on Tue Dec 25 14:59:25 2012 4 5 Copyright (c) 1982, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 6 7 8 Load completed - logical record count 27381. 9
---------------验证是否加载成功----------------------------- 10 SQL> set linesize 150; 11 SQL> set pagesize 100; 12 SQL> select * from jack_test where rownum<10; 13 14 no rows selected 15 16 SQL> select * from jack_temp where rownum<10; 17 18 ID NAME CREATED 19 ---------- ------------------------------------------------------------ --------- 20 13628 index 08-JUN-11 21 13629 index 08-JUN-11 22 13630 index 08-JUN-11 23 13631 index 08-JUN-11 24 13632 index 08-JUN-11 25 13633 index 08-JUN-11 26 13634 index 08-JUN-11 27 13635 index 08-JUN-11 28 13636 index 08-JUN-11 29 30 9 rows selected. 31 32 SQL> select count(*) from jack_temp; 33 34 COUNT(*) 35 ---------- 36 27378 37 38 SQL> select count(*) from jack_test partition (p2011); 39 40 COUNT(*) 41 ---------- 42 0 43 44 SQL> select count(*) from jack_test; 45 46 COUNT(*) 47 ---------- 48 0



SQL> create index jack_temp_ind on jack_temp(name) indextype is ctxsys.context; 2 3 Index created. 4 5 SQL> select segment_name,bytes from user_segments where segment_type='TABLE' and segment_name like 'DR%' order by 1; 6 7 SEGMENT_NAME BYTES 8 ------------------------------ ---------- 9 DR#JACK_TEST_IND0001$I 65536 10 DR#JACK_TEST_IND0001$R 65536 11 DR#JACK_TEST_IND0002$I 65536 12 DR#JACK_TEST_IND0002$R 65536 13 DR#JACK_TEST_IND0003$I 65536 14 DR#JACK_TEST_IND0003$R 65536 15 DR$JACK_TEMP_IND$I 131072 -------从全文索引基表大小上可以看出临时表上的全文索引的基表里面有数据 16 DR$JACK_TEMP_IND$R 65536 17 18 8 rows selected. 19
20 SQL> select index_name,table_name from user_indexes where table_name in('JACK_TEMP','JACK_TEST'); 21 22 INDEX_NAME TABLE_NAME 23 ------------------------------ ------------------------------ 24 JACK_TEST_IND JACK_TEST 25 JACK_TEMP_IND JACK_TEMP



SQL> alter table jack_test exchange partition p2011 with table jack_temp including indexes without validation; 2 3 Table altered. 4 ---上面的语句是将jack_test表的分区p2011和jack_temp临时表进行数据交换,交换的数据同时包含索引信息。
---without validation的意思是,不对表中的数据是否和分区对应进行验证,因为验证工作是需要额外开销的。
5 SQL> select count(*) from jack_temp; 6 7 COUNT(*) 8 ---------- 9 0 10 11 SQL> select count(*) from jack_test partition(p2011); 12 13 COUNT(*) 14 ---------- 15 27378 16 17 SQL> select segment_name,bytes from user_segments where segment_type='TABLE' and segment_name like 'DR%' order by 1; 18 19 SEGMENT_NAME BYTES 20 ------------------------------ ---------- 21 DR#JACK_TEST_IND0001$I 131072 22 DR#JACK_TEST_IND0001$R 65536 23 DR#JACK_TEST_IND0002$I 65536 24 DR#JACK_TEST_IND0002$R 65536 25 DR#JACK_TEST_IND0003$I 65536 26 DR#JACK_TEST_IND0003$R 65536 27 DR$JACK_TEMP_IND$I 65536 28 DR$JACK_TEMP_IND$R 65536 29 30 8 rows selected.


