How to make padding:auto work in CSS?

人走茶凉 提交于 2019-12-04 22:29:34

auto is not a valid value for padding property, the only thing you can do is take out padding: 0; from the * declaration, else simply assign padding to respective property block.

If you remove padding: 0; from * {} than browser will apply default styles to your elements which will give you unexpected cross browser positioning offsets by few pixels, so it is better to assign padding: 0; using * and than if you want to override the padding, simply use another rule like

.container p {
   padding: 5px;

You should just scope your * selector to the specific areas that need the reset. .legacy * { }, etc.

The simplest supported solution is to either use margin

.element {
  display: block;
  margin: 0px auto;

Or use a second container around the element that has this margin applied. This will somewhat have the effect of padding: 0px auto if it did exist.


.element_wrapper {
  display: block;
  margin: 0px auto;
.element {
  background: blue;


<div class="element_wrapper">
  <div class="element">
    Hello world

You can reset the padding (and I think everything else) with initial to the default.

p {
    padding: initial;

if you're goal is to reset EVERYTHING then @Björn's answer should be your goal but applied as:

* {
  padding: initial;

if this is loaded after your original reset.css should have the same weight and will rely on each browser's default padding as initial value.
