ClassNotFoundException org.apache.mahout.math.VectorWritable

穿精又带淫゛_ 提交于 2019-12-04 19:21:37

This is a very common problem, and almost certainly an issue with the way you are specifying your classpath in the hadoop command.

The way hadoop works, after you give the "hadoop" command, it ships your job to a tasktracker to execute. So, it's important to keep in mind that your job is executing on a separate JVM, with its own classpath, etc. Part of what you are doing with the "hadoop" command, is specifying the classpath that should be used, etc.

If you are using maven as a build system, I strongly recommend building a "fat jar", using the shade plugin. This will build a jar that contains all your necessary dependencies, and you won't have to worry about classpath issues when you add dependencies to your hadoop job, because you are shipping out a single jar.

If you don't want to go this route, have a look at this article, which describes your problem and some potential solutions. in particular, this should work for you:

Include the JAR in the “-libjars” command line option of the hadoop jar … command.

Try specifying the classpath explicitly, so instead of hadoop jar iris.jar edu.iris.seq.CsvToSequenceFile iris-data iris-seq try something like java -cp ...

Create jar with dependencies, when you are creating the jar (map/reduce) .

With ref. to maven,you may add the below code in pom.xml and compile the code << mvn clean package assembly:single >> . This will create the jar with depencendcies in target folder and the created jar may look like <>-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar


Hopefully this answers your doubt.
