Line chart/graph with an irregular threshold field

依然范特西╮ 提交于 2019-12-04 19:03:11

The graph shown in your sample image is actually much easier than the linked example; for that, you don't need to create a clipping path and you don't need to draw the line twice with two different colours.

For drawing the coloured background, use an area-path generator, created with d3.svg.area(). Set the y0 accessor function to be extract your minimum value for each point in your data array, and the y1 accessor function to extract the maximum value.

Then draw the line overtop as a normal line graph with a d3.svg.line() path generator.

Working example, adapted from the fiddles in the comments:
(Note: I commented out half the dataset, since the "year" values were repeated, not sure what that was supposed to represent.)

Key code:

// Define the value line path generator
var line = d3.svg.line()                        
    .x( function(d) { return x(d.year); } ) 
    .y( function(d) { return y(d.temp); } );

// Define the area path generator
var area = d3.svg.area()
    .x(  function(d) {  return x(d.year); } )
    .y0( function(d) { return y(d.min); } )
    .y1( function(d) { return y(d.max); } );

/* ... */

// Add the background area showing the historic range
   .attr("class", "historicRange")
   .attr("d", area);

// Add the value line 
    .attr("class", "dataline")
    .attr("d", line);

Edit based on comments

If you do want a line that changes colour depending on historic values, as opposed to a line drawn overtop of a background range, the most straight-forward solution is probably to create a <pattern> element consisting of the different coloured regions, and use this to stroke the value line.

You'll want to familiarize yourself with the different options for the pattern element. This MDN tutorial has a good intro, or you could dive into the full W3 specs.

For this situation, we want the pattern to be sized and positioned relative to the coordinate system used for drawing the line, regardless of the size or shape of the line itself. That means we will be setting both the patternUnits and the patternContentUnits to be userSpaceOnUse. The height and width of the pattern will be the height and width of the plotting area.

Within the pattern we will draw the area that represents the max-min range, but we also need to draw separate areas, with different colours, for values above the max and values below the min. We can use the same area generator for each, but need to change the y0/y1 accessor functions each time.

Key code:

// Add the pattern showing the historic range
var pattern =  defs.append("pattern")
    .datum(data) //add the data to the <pattern> element
                //so it will be inherited by each <path> we append
        "width": width,
        "height": height
    .attr("id", "strokePattern");

   .attr("class", "historicRange between")
   .attr("d", area);

   .attr("class", "historicRange above")
   .attr("d", area.y1( 0 )
                  .y0( function(d){return y(d.max);} )

   .attr("class", "historicRange below")
   .attr("d", area.y1( function(d){return y(d.min);}  )
                  .y0( height )

// Add the value line 
    .attr("class", "dataline")  
    .attr("d", line)
    .style("stroke", "url(#strokePattern)");        

Working example:

I'm including a web page link with charts authored by myself based on AMCharts and with the help of that web site's founder. Contains several examples of the above question and more..

The charts provided are still being worked on. For example, AMcharts does have a function that clips the color of a line above/below a certain value which I didn't know about, so there is still work to be done. I spent many weeks on the charts and thought I'd share. I'm sure someone will find something new here down the road...
