Python object in QMimeData

时光毁灭记忆、已成空白 提交于 2019-12-04 17:25:22

Do not try to implement drag and drop by reparenting the underlying python object. This won't work if the drag comes from outside your process; nor will it work for a copy operation (your node objects probably cannot exist in multiple places in the tree).

Think of a drag and drop "move" as three operations:

  1. serialize the data to some byte string
  2. deserialize into a new index (or new indexes)
  3. (optional: if "move" rather than "copy") remove the old index(es)

mineData() and dropMimeData() are the serialize and deserialize operations that you provide. Python provides some easy ways to implement them -- check the documentation for the pickle module. If you're lucky, pickle.dumps() and pickle.loads() will work out-of-the-box for you.

Edit: I couldn't figure out how to paste code in comments, so here's the solution my comment refers to. This is safe, in the sense that it will fail by throwing a KeyError instead of causing crashes if you happen to break your rules.

# drag: store off the data in a safe place, and serialize a cooky
# that the drop target can use to retrieve the data.
self.__tmp_storage_dct = { self.__tmp_storage_cooky: stuff }
m.setData(self.rowlistptr_mime_type, QByteArray(pickle.dumps(self.__tmp_storage_cooky)))
self.__tmp_storage_cooky += 1

# drop:
if mime.hasFormat(self.rowlistptr_mime_type):
  print "got tmpstorage"
  cooky = pickle.loads(
  nodes = self.__tmp_storage_dct.pop(cooky)

Ok, I think I have a possible solution for you.

Keep in mind that I am a complete neophyte in this area so no warranties that his a) works b) is a decent solution c) won't make a "real" programmer toss their lunch.

What I did was convert the entire ancestor tree of a particular item into a text list of row column pairs. (i.e. list the row and column of the dragged item, the row and column of its parent, the row and column of its parent's parent, etc... till we get to an invalid index - i.e. the root)

This looks something like this (this example shows that the dragged item is four levels deep):

^   ^   ^   ^
|   |   |   |
|   |   |   great grandparent (and child of the root item)
|   |   |
|   |   grandparent
|   |
|   parent
item being dragged

Later, in the dropMimeData function, I reverse the list (so that it reads from the root back down to the item being dragged) and build the indexes one at a time till I get back to the originally dragged item.

Here are the snippets of code that make that all work. Again, I can't warrantee that this is a good idea, just that it appears to work and does not require that you serialize your python objects into a ByteArray.

Hope this helps.

def mimeTypes(self):
    Only accept the internal custom drop type which is plain text
    types = QtCore.QStringList() 
    return types 

def mimeData(self, index): 
    Wrap the index up as a list of rows and columns of each 
    rc = ""
    theIndex = index[0] #<- for testing purposes we only deal with 1st item
    while theIndex.isValid():
        rc = rc + str(theIndex.row()) + ";" + str(theIndex.column())
        theIndex = self.parent(theIndex)
        if theIndex.isValid():
            rc = rc + ","
    mimeData = QtCore.QMimeData()
    return mimeData

def dropMimeData(self, data, action, row, column, parentIndex):
    Extract the whole ancestor list of rows and columns and rebuild the 
    index item that was originally dragged
    if action == QtCore.Qt.IgnoreAction: 
        return True 

    if data.hasText():
        ancestorL = str(data.text()).split(",")
        ancestorL.reverse() #<- stored from the child up, we read from ancestor down
        pIndex = QtCore.QModelIndex()
        for ancestor in ancestorL:
            srcRow = int(ancestor.split(";")[0])
            srcCol = int(ancestor.split(";")[1])
            itemIndex = self.index(srcRow, srcCol, pIndex)
            pIndex = itemIndex

    print itemIndex.internalPointer().get_name()
    return True