Trying something pretty out of the box... I have a simple app with a button that when pushed, plays music out of the audio jack of my android tablet.
public void btn1 (View view) {
MediaPlayer mp = MediaPlayer.create(this, R.raw.xxx);
I've now added a usb audio interface (through a micro usb adapter) and I can hear audio out of it.
I'm able to list the sound cards with this
AudioDeviceInfo[] devices = audioManager.getDevices(AudioManager.GET_DEVICES_OUTPUTS);
for (AudioDeviceInfo device : devices) {
int b = device.getId();
int d = device.getType();
CharSequence productName = device.getProductName();
How do I route music so that I can play 2 different music at once, one through usb and the other through the headphone jack?
According to the MediaPlayer
documentation, you can set the audio device using setPreferredDevice
which receive an AudioDeviceInfo
as a parameter, see https://developer.android.com/reference/android/media/MediaPlayer.html#setPreferredDevice(android.media.AudioDeviceInfo).
You will then have to create one MediaPlayer
to play on each device.
it works about like this:
protected void playAudio() {
this.playByDeviceIdx(0, R.raw.xxx);
this.playByDeviceIdx(1, R.raw.yyy);
protected void playByDeviceIdx(int deviceIndex, @IdRes int resId) {
/* obtain audio-output device-infos */
deviceInfos[] devices = audioManager.getDevices(AudioManager.GET_DEVICES_OUTPUTS);
/* check, if the desired index is even within bounds */
if(deviceInfos.length < deviceIndex) {
/* create an instance of MediaPlayer */
MediaPlayer mp = MediaPlayer.create(this, resId);
/* assign a preferred device to the MediaPlayer instance */
/* start the playback (only if a device exists at the index) */
you could also filter for the headset jack plug/unplug event:
IntentFilter intentFilter = new IntentFilter(Intent.ACTION_HEADSET_PLUG);
Intent intent = context.registerReceiver(null, intentFilter);
boolean isConnected = intent.getIntExtra("state", 0) == 1;
sources: me, based upon the SDK documentation for the MediaPlayer.