With Calabash for Android, how can write a step that scrolls to and touchs a specific listview row?

廉价感情. 提交于 2019-12-04 16:39:34

I can't find a general solution. Android solution will depend on ListView implementation.

The solution that will work for particular ListView is below:

1) First of all, perform query("ListView", {:getItemAtPosition => 1}) and look the property in query result that equals to the text in GUI. For instance, it can be "name".

2) Then you can touch item in specific position with the following step:

Then /^I click the (\d+)(?:st|nd|rd|th) list item$/ do |row|
  scroll_to_row("ListView", row+1)
  touch "* text:\"#{query("ListView", {:getItemAtPosition => row+1})[0]["name"]}\""  

I've verified it in my Android app, it works.
