restriction of elements based on another attribute using XSD 1.1

匆匆过客 提交于 2019-12-04 16:15:27

You could use asserts in the Link element (and a enumeration with all the values in the flow attribute).

<xsd:element name="Link">
            <xsd:element ref="Conn" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
        <xsd:attribute name="service" use="required">
                <xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">
                    <xsd:enumeration value="FILESNF"/>
                    <xsd:enumeration value="MSGSNF"/>
                    <xsd:enumeration value="MSGRT"/>
                    <xsd:enumeration value="FILERT"/>
        <xsd:assert test="(@service ne 'MSGRT') or (count(Conn[count(BaPath[@flow eq 'TRS']) eq 1 and count(BaPath[@flow eq 'ZTRS']) eq 1 and count(BaPath) eq 2]) eq count(Conn))"></xsd:assert>
        <xsd:assert test="(@service ne 'FILESNF') or (count(Conn[count(BaPath[@flow eq 'FTS']) eq 1 and count(BaPath[@flow eq 'MSSDN']) eq 1 and count(BaPath[@flow eq 'ZFTS']) eq 1 and count(BaPath) eq 3]) eq count(Conn))"></xsd:assert>

Explanation of one of the assert (the other asserts would be similar):

(@service ne 'MSGRT') or (count(Conn[count(BaPath[@flow eq 'TRS']) eq 1 and count(BaPath[@flow eq 'ZTRS']) eq 1 and count(BaPath) eq 2]) eq count(Conn))

First we check the service attribute. Then, using Conn[count(BaPath[@flow eq 'TRS']) eq 1 and count(BaPath[@flow eq 'ZTRS']) eq 1 and count(BaPath) eq 2] we are selecting all the Conn element of the Link that have exactly two BaPath childs (one with flow=TRS and other with flow=ZTRS). After that we check that all of the Conn elements pass that restriction.

So, using that, this example will be valid:

<Link service="MSGRT">
        <BaPath flow="TRS"></BaPath>
        <BaPath flow="ZTRS"></BaPath>

This example will not be valid:

<Link service="MSGRT">
        <BaPath flow="MSSDN"></BaPath>
        <BaPath flow="ZTRS"></BaPath>

This example will not be valid:

<Link service="MSGRT">
        <BaPath flow="TRS"></BaPath>

This example will not be valid:

<Link service="MSGRT">
        <BaPath flow="TRS"></BaPath>
        <BaPath flow="ZTRS"></BaPath>
        <BaPath flow="ZFTS"></BaPath>


Another option it's to use conditional type alternatives (example here), but you would probably need to duplicate parts of your Schema.
