How to make Ninject to instantiate object based on variable on run time?.
I am trying to inject the correct Repository in The Controller action - MVC 3 - based on parameter come from user input. If user input "BMW" it would bind ICarRepository
to BMWRepository
, and if he input "KIA" KiaRepository
will be injected.
public ActionResult SearchResult(FormCollection values)
string carModel = values["model"];
ICarRepository myRepository = RepositoryFactory.getRepository(carModel);
This is known by switch/case noob instantiation or Parameterized Factories, and i know how to do it manually without Ninject , Check the 4 approaches explained here Exploring Factory Pattern
My question is how to do it with Ninject?
You could inject an Abstract Factory (probably just a Func<string,ICarRepository>
) and then have it all implemented via adding the following to your RegisterServices
.ToMethod( ctx=> name => ctx.Get<ICarRepository>( name));
In your ctor:
class MyController
readonly Func<string,ICarRepository> _createRepository;
public MyController(Func<string,ICarRepository> createRepository)
_createRepository = createRepository;
Then, in your action:
public ActionResult SearchResult(FormCollection values)
string carModel = values["model"];
using( ICarRepository myRepository = _createRepository( carModel))