How to backup all Nexus 3 artifacts?

痴心易碎 提交于 2019-12-04 15:07:49

I modified following groovy scirpt, which can be uploaded using the API:

To upload and execute the script I took a look at the examples:

One could download all artifacts from a Nexus3 repository by using n3dr:


version: '3.7'
    image: utrecht/n3dr:3.0.0
      - ~/.n3dr.yaml:/home/n3dr/.n3dr.yaml
      - ~/2019-05-20-nexus-fqdn:/download
      - HTTPS_PROXY=some-proxy
    command: repositories -n some-nexus -u admin -d

If one runs docker-compose up, the artifacts from all Nexus3 repositories will be downloaded.

You can retrieve all DownloadURLs using the REST-API, then download them all. I did this with a simple Python Script.

I had to do move all artifacts from one Nexus 3 repository to another one. Once this was accidental, I developed the procedure (Windows):

  • from Nexus' web interface / Browse / Assets took the JSON with the list of assets
  • extracted the assets' URLs by collecting the values of their "name" attribute
  • delete all assets that are .md5, .sha1, maven-metadata.xml
  • delete all assets that are pom.xml for another atrifact
  • split the artifact URLS into

    path in the repository - it is in the format /<groupId path>/<artifactId>/<versionId>/<file name>
    groupId- parse the path, replacing / with .
    artifactId - parse the path,
    version - parse the path, 
    file name - parse the path
    packaging - the file name extension
  • for each such parsed URL call the script (named publish.bat):

    @echo off
    rem %1 = from repository URL
    rem %2 = to repository URL
    rem %3 = path
    rem %4 = groupId
    rem %5 = artifactId
    rem %6 = version
    rem %7 = file name
    rem %8 = packaging
    echo %1%3/%5/%6/%7
    curl --remote-name --create-dirs --output %7 %1%3/%5/%6/%7
    call mvn deploy:deploy-file -DgroupId=%4 -DartifactId=%5 -Dversion=%6 -DgeneratePom=true -Dpackaging=%8 -DrepositoryId=admin -Durl=%2 -Dfile=%7
    del %7

NOTE: -DrepositoryId=admin is a reference to a server definition in the Maven's settings.xml defining the user and password to publish in the target repository.


set FROM=source repository URL
set TO=target repository URL

call publish.bat %FROM% %TO% net/xyz/webtools buildServer buildServer- war