How to have an iCalendar (RFC 2445) repeat YEARLY with duration

最后都变了- 提交于 2019-12-04 15:02:41

Try the BYMONTH rule to specify that you only want it in April and May:


This won't handle the "First Sunday of April" bit, which isn't in the MWF part of the pattern. I think this will be covered for the first occurrence if you set this specific date as your dtStart date (but of course, that won't recur for the next year by itself). Otherwise, I think you may need a second RRULE for that:


Does that help?


Using the 3 RRULEs as you have above will produce a union of results, not an intersection. You're right that there isn't a very graceful way in RFC2445/5545. However, if you have the ability to programatically calculate the first Sunday in April while you generate the event, the following should work:


This method at least seems closer to what you were trying to achieve.

