Spring Config server add property at runtime

旧城冷巷雨未停 提交于 2019-12-04 14:53:23
Stefan Isele - prefabware.com

Spring cloud configuration contains a feature named 'RefreshScope' which allows to refresh properties and beans of a running application.

If you read about spring cloud config, it looks like it can only load properties from a git repository, but that is not true.

You can use RefreshScope to reload properties from a local file without any need to connect to an external git repository or HTTP requests.

Create a file bootstrap.properties with this content:

# false: spring cloud config will not try to connect to a git repository
# let the location point to the file with the reloadable properties

Create a file reloadable.properties at the location you defined above. You can leave it empty, or add some properties. In this file you can later, at runtime, change or add properties.

Add a dependency to


All beans, that are using properties, that may be changed during runtime, should be annotated with @RefreshScope like this:

Controller controller() {
    return new Controller();

Create a class

public class ReloadablePropertySourceLocator implements PropertySourceLocator
       private final String location;

       public ReloadablePropertySourceLocator(
           @Value("${reloadable-properties.location}") String location) {
           this.location = location;

     * must create a new instance of the property source on every call
    public PropertySource<?> locate(Environment environment) {
        try {
            return new ResourcePropertySource(location);
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new RuntimeException(e);

Configure Spring to bootstrap the configuration using that class.

Create (or extend) the META-INF/spring.factories file in your resource folder:


This bean will read the properties from the reloadable.properties. Spring Cloud Config will reload it from disk, when you refresh the application.

Add runtime, edit reloadable.properties as you like, then refresh the spring context. You can do that by sending a POST request to the /refresh endpoint, or in Java by using ContextRefresher:

ContextRefresher contextRefresher;

This should also work, if you choose to use it in parallel to properties from a remote git repository.
