Cassandra load balancing with TokenAwarePolicy and shuffleReplicas

爷,独闯天下 提交于 2019-12-04 13:37:26

Just to confirm, that will mean that driver will always prefer to connect to node where primary replica is, to have it as coordinator, if we set shuffleReplicas to false, which can create hot spots?

Yes. Note however that this creates hot spots only if all your partition keys map to the same replica; if your partition keys are evenly distributed across the token ring, it should be fine.

Second question is about idea to separate connection to cluster, and for writes use shuffleReplicas on true, which will distribute evenly tokens across cluster and for read to use TokenAwarePolicy with shuffleReplicas on false to gain best possible reads, is this idea viable and do you see any problems with it?

The main problem I see is that the driver is not capable of telling if a request is a "read" or a "write", so you will have to either write your own load balancing policy, or use two separate Cluster instances, one for reads, one for writes.

Otherwise, setting shuffleReplicas to false doesn't necessarily mean you will get "best possible reads". The main effect to consider when using shuffleReplicas is eventual consistency; when shuffleReplicas is true, it is possible to read stale values, e.g. if you write to replica 1 with consistency ONE, then read from replica 2 with consistency ONE. I usually recommend to set shuffleReplicas to true for both reads and writes to spread the load evenly on your cluster, and adjust your consistency levels to get the best balance between throughput vs risk of reading stale values.
