Using Vuforia provided Projection Matrix and Marker Pose in SceneKit

会有一股神秘感。 提交于 2019-12-04 12:25:10

It just works!

The hard part is determining what pieces of SceneKit are necessary to make this work. Originally I read the article Making Augmented Reality app easily with Scenekit + Vuforia which outlined how to rejigger the sample app for user-defined targets. The downsides to that article include that it isn't always clear what the author changed, no sample project is provided, and it is based upon an older version of Vuforia. Ultimately, I found it unnecessary to invert the pose matrix.

Draw camera image and set projection matrix and update marker pose

override func viewDidLoad() 

    let scene = SmartScanScene()

    let camera = SCNCamera()
    let cameraNode = SCNNode() = camera
    _cameraNode = cameraNode

    let view = self.view as! SCNView
    view.backgroundColor = UIColor.blackColor()
    view.showsStatistics = true
    // view.debugOptions = SCNDebugOptions.ShowBoundingBoxes.union(.ShowWireframe)
    view.autoenablesDefaultLighting = true
    view.allowsCameraControl = false

func didUpdateProjectionMatrix(projectionMatrix: matrix_float4x4)
    let extrinsic = SCNMatrix4FromMat4(projectionMatrix)

func didUpdateFramemarkers(framemarkers: [Framemarker]?)
    guard let framemarkers = framemarkers else {

    for framemarker in framemarkers {
        let pose = SCNMatrix4FromMat4(framemarker.pose)
        self.objectNode?.transform = pose

func didUpdateCameraImage(image: UIImage?)
    if let image = image {
        _scene?.background.contents = image