How to get FileInputStream for file in internal memory in android which is not inside applications default file directory.
I have created new directory in my application space. So openFileInput("filename")
will only work for files in getFilesDir()
. And openFileInput("filename")
do not accept argument with path separaters "/" so I can change it to ../myfolder/.
Is there any way to get a FileInputStream
on this ? ..
Note: Using normal APIs File = new File(... ) gives permission denied errors. And I have already created given Context.MODE_WORLD_WRITEABLE as the permission for my custom folder.
To make it clear :
My file is here ==> /data/data/
"myfolder" ==> is created with Context.MODE_WORLD_WRITEABLE
I want to open FileInputStream
on file1.tmp
. (Normally your files are here /data/data/
and getFilesDir()
points to this directory, so also openFileInput("")
takes argument which exist in same default directory.)
How to get FileInputStream for file in internal memory in android which is not inside applications default file directory.
You can't, unless the file in question is created using openFileOutput()
, and that's not a very good idea (since any app can now read that file).
As the file was created by camera activity as a result for startActivityForResult() for MediaStore.ACTION_IMAGE_CAPTURE intent.
The camera activity should be storing the file out on external storage, not internal storage. Use the EXTRA_OUTPUT extra to indicate where the file should go.
So is there any way I can change this permissions ?
Assuming "camera activity" is referring to the one in the Android firmware, you will need to modify the firmware.