My Stack:
Google App Engine Standard
Python (2.7)
To create named logs in Google Stackdriver Logging, https://console.cloud.google.com/logs/viewer
Docs - Stackdriver Logging: https://google-cloud-python.readthedocs.io/en/latest/logging/usage.html
from google.cloud import logging as stack_logging
from google.cloud.logging.resource import Resource
import threading
class StackdriverLogging:
def __init__(self, resource=Resource(type='project', labels={'project_id': 'project_id'}), project_id='project_id'):
self.resource = resource
self.client = stack_logging.Client(project=project_id)
def delete_logger(self, logger_name):
logger = self.client.logger(logger_name)
def async_log(self, logger_name, sev, msg):
t = threading.Thread(target=self.log, args=(logger_name, sev, msg,))
def log(self, logger_name, sev, msg):
logger = self.client.logger(logger_name)
if isinstance(msg, str):
logger.log_text(msg, severity=sev, resource=self.resource)
elif isinstance(msg, dict):
logger.log_struct(msg, severity=sev, resource=self.resource)
class hLog(webapp2.RequestHandler):
def get(self):
stackdriver_logger = StackdriverLogging()
stackdriver_logger.async_log("my_new_log", "WARNING", msg="Hello")
stackdriver_logger.async_log("my_new_log", "INFO", msg="world")
ERROR: Found 1 RPC request(s) without matching response
If this is not possible in Google App Engine Standard (Python) any way to get this code to work:
from google.cloud import logging
client = logging.Client()
# client = logging.Client.from_service_account_json('credentials.json')
logger = client.logger("my_new_log")
logger.log_text("hello world")
If credentials are required, I like to use the project service account.
Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.
I usually tie the Python logging module directly into Google Stackdriver Logging. To do this, I create a log_helper module:
from google.cloud import logging as gc_logging
import logging
logging_client = gc_logging.Client()
from logging import *
Which I then import into other files like this:
import log_helper as logging
After which you can use the module like you would the default python logging module.
To create named logs with the default python logging module, use different loggers for different namespaces:
import log_helper as logging
test_logger = logging.getLogger('test')
test_logger.info('is the name of this logger')
INFO:test:is the name of this logger