Is WebGet functionally equivalent to WebInvoke(Method = “GET”)?

邮差的信 提交于 2019-12-04 10:51:01

They are simply marker attributes and end up being 100% functionally equivalent. The only thing that interprets these attributes is the WebHttpBehavior::GetWebMethod method and its functionality is simply:

internal static string GetWebMethod(OperationDescription od)
    WebGetAttribute webGetAttribute = od.Behaviors.Find<WebGetAttribute>();
    WebInvokeAttribute webInvokeAttribute = od.Behaviors.Find<WebInvokeAttribute>();
    WebHttpBehavior.EnsureOk(webGetAttribute, webInvokeAttribute, od);
    if (webGetAttribute != null)
        return "GET";
    if (webInvokeAttribute == null)
        return "POST";
    return webInvokeAttribute.Method ?? "POST";

It is not.

I just spent few hours trying to replace WCF DataContractJsonSerializer with Newtonsoft JsonSerializer using MessageFormatter based on this and this samples

found out (the hard way) there IS difference in using WebGet and WebInvoke(Method="GET").

With WebInvoke the request goes through different pipeline in WCF stack, trying to deserialize the expected message (method IDispatchMessageFormatter.DeserializeRequest() gets invoked) which is not the case with WebGet.

The lesson learned: use WebGet for GET operation
