I'm having a hard time understanding how to set a multilevel QTree using the QTreeView and QStandardItemModel.
Here's what I have:
from PySide.QtGui import *
import sys
class MainFrame(QWidget):
def __init__(self):
tree = {'root': {
"1": ["A", "B", "C"],
"2": {
"2-1": ["G", "H", "I"],
"2-2": ["J", "K", "L"]},
"3": ["D", "E", "F"]}
self.tree = QTreeView(self)
root_model = QStandardItemModel()
for r,root in enumerate(sorted(tree)):
root_item = QStandardItem(root)
for c,child in enumerate(sorted(tree[root])):
child_model = QStandardItemModel(root_model)
child_item = QStandardItem(child)
child_model.setItem(c, child_item)
for gc, grand_child in enumerate(sorted(tree[root][child])):
grand_child_model = QStandardItemModel(child_model)
grand_child_item = QStandardItem(grand_child)
if type(tree[root][child]) == dict:
for ggc, gran_grand_child in enumerate(sorted(tree[root][child][grand_child])):
gran_grand_child_model = QStandardItemModel(grand_child_model)
gran_grand_child_item = QStandardItem(gran_grand_child)
gran_grand_child_model.setItem(ggc, gran_grand_child_item)
if __name__ == "__main__":
app = QApplication(sys.argv)
main = MainFrame()
I want it to look like this:
So far only the 'root' item is showing, it's not throwing any error.
Also, I made this for-loops in a bit of hurry, it's kind hard to read/understand because it has too many nested for loops. I wonder if there's a better way to expand the tree based on the initial dict.
You're creating a model for each item. That's wrong. You should use .appendRow/.insertRow
on an item to add child items.
As for your loops, I'd probably use a recursive method to populate the tree. Here is what I'd do:
from PySide.QtGui import *
import sys
import types
class MainFrame(QWidget):
def __init__(self):
tree = {'root': {
"1": ["A", "B", "C"],
"2": {
"2-1": ["G", "H", "I"],
"2-2": ["J", "K", "L"]},
"3": ["D", "E", "F"]}
self.tree = QTreeView(self)
layout = QHBoxLayout(self)
root_model = QStandardItemModel()
self._populateTree(tree, root_model.invisibleRootItem())
def _populateTree(self, children, parent):
for child in sorted(children):
child_item = QStandardItem(child)
if isinstance(children, types.DictType):
self._populateTree(children[child], child_item)
if __name__ == "__main__":
app = QApplication(sys.argv)
main = MainFrame()
PS: You're also not using any layouts for the main window. I added it above.
PSv2: Type-checking is best avoided in python, if possible, but it's kind of necessary the way you structured your tree
. It'd be better if you structured it differently, like dict
s all the way maybe:
tree = {'root': {
'1': {'A':{}, 'B':{}, 'C':{}},