Node-style require for in-browser javascript?

若如初见. 提交于 2019-11-26 19:42:49

Check out ender. It does a lot of this.

Also, browserify is pretty good. I've used require-kiss and it works. There are probably others.

I'm not sure about RequireJS. It's just not the same as node's. You may run into problems with loading from other locations, but it might work. As long as there's a provide method or something that can be called.

TL;DR- I'd recommend browserify or require-kiss.


require-kiss is now dead, and the author has removed it. I've since been using RequireJS without problems. The author of require-kiss wrote pakmanager and pakman. Full disclosure, I work with the developer.

Personally I like RequireJS better. It is much easier to debug (you can have separate files in development, and a single deployed file in production) and is built on a solid "standard".

I wrote a small script which allows asynchronous and synchronous loading of Javascript files, which might be of some use here. It has no dependencies and is compatible to Node.js & CommonJS. You can even bundle multiple modules in one file to reduce HTTP requests on production servers. The usage is pretty easy:

<script type="text/javascript" src="require.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
    var ModuleA = require('modulea') // Sync loading of a script in the module directory

    require('./path/moduleb.js', callbackB); // Async loading of a script anywhere else
    function callbackB(ModuleB) {

More details and the code can be found in my blog: The code is also on GitHub:

Lucio M. Tato

A variation of Ilya Kharlamov great answer, with some code to make it play nice with chrome developer tools.

// equivalent to require from node.js
function require(url){
    if (url.toLowerCase().substr(-3)!=='.js') url+='.js'; // to allow loading without js suffix;
    if (!require.cache) require.cache=[]; //init cache
    var exports=require.cache[url]; //get from cache
    if (!exports) { //not cached
            try {
                var X=new XMLHttpRequest();
      "GET", url, 0); // sync
                if (X.status && X.status !== 200)  throw new Error(X.statusText);
                var source = X.responseText;
                // fix (if saved form for Chrome Dev Tools)
                if (source.substr(0,10)==="(function("){ 
                    var moduleStart = source.indexOf('{');
                    var moduleEnd = source.lastIndexOf('})');
                    var CDTcomment = source.indexOf('//@ ');
                    if (CDTcomment>-1 && CDTcomment<moduleStart+6) moduleStart = source.indexOf('\n',CDTcomment);
                    source = source.slice(moduleStart+1,moduleEnd-1); 
                // fix, add comment to show source on Chrome Dev Tools
                source="//@ sourceURL="+window.location.origin+url+"\n" + source;
                var module = { id: url, uri: url, exports:exports }; //according to node.js modules 
                var anonFn = new Function("require", "exports", "module", source); //create a Fn with module code, and 3 params: require, exports & module
                anonFn(require, exports, module); // call the Fn, Execute the module
                require.cache[url]  = exports = module.exports; //cache obj exported by module
            } catch (err) {
                throw new Error("Error loading module "+url+": "+err);
    return exports; //require returns object exported by module
(function () {
    // c is cache, the rest are the constants
    var c = {},s="status",t="Text",e="exports",E="Error",r="require",m="module",S=" ",w=window;
    w[r]=function R(url) {
        url+=/.js$/i.test(url) ? "" : ".js";// to allow loading without js suffix;
        var X=new XMLHttpRequest(),module = { id: url, uri: url }; //according to the modules 1.1 standard
        if (!c[url])
            try {
      "GET", url, 0); // sync
                if (X[s] && X[s] != 200) 
                    throw X[s+t];
                Function(r, e, m, X['response'+t])(R, c[url]={}, module); // Execute the module
                module[e] && (c[url]=module[e]);
            } catch (x) {
                throw w[E](E+" in "+r+": Can't load "+m+S+url+":"+S+x);
        return c[url];

Better not to be used in production because of the blocking. (In node.js, require() is a blocking call is well).

Webmake bundles Node-style modules to Browser, give it a try.

Require-stub — provides node-compliant require in browser, resolves both modules and relative paths. Uses technic similar to TKRequire (XMLHttpRequest). Resulting code is fully browserifyable, in that require-stub can serve as a replacement for watchify.

Here is an extension to Lucio M. Tato's fantastic answer that allows for recursive loading of modules with relative paths.

Here is a github project to house the solution and an example of how to use it:

To use TKRequire.js, include the following line in your header

<script type="text/javascript" src="./TKRequire.js"></script>

Then load modules just like in node.js:

var MyModule = require("./relative/path/to/MyModule.js");
