Google Maps API 3 referrerNotAllowedMapError

拜拜、爱过 提交于 2019-12-04 09:54:49

SOLUTION: The google console specifically shows the format for this. But it is WRONG.

Instead of *./domain.ext/* use: http://domain.ext/*

A special thanks to Google for crappy docs, and a very special thanks to the user that downvoted my question!

Note: Depending on your setup, it may be necessary to use: http://www.domain.ext/* I did not test this as my use case excludes www.

I know you found a misconfiguration in your API key but I had the same issue and found a different fix.

Cloudflare can mess this up. Testing with mine now shows rocket loader and Brotli in the speed area stop google maps working. Deactivate them and clear the cache to fix.
