Try to use Winapi::findFirstFile running on server

天大地大妈咪最大 提交于 2019-12-04 08:44:40

Here is a sample code that has worked for me in both client side as well as server side. It uses .NET namespaces to fetch the list of files in a given folder path for a given pattern.

You can modify this to create your own server side version of FindFirstFile method.

X++ Code

static container findMatchingFiles(
        str _folderPath
    ,   str _filePattern   = '*.*')
    System.IO.DirectoryInfo     directory;
    System.IO.FileInfo[]        files;
    System.IO.FileInfo          file;
    InteropPermission           permission;

    str         fileName;
    counter     filesCount;
    counter     loop;
    container   mathchingFiles;

    permission  = new InteropPermission(InteropKind::ClrInterop);

    directory   = new System.IO.DirectoryInfo(_folderPath);
    files       = directory.GetFiles(_filePattern);
    filesCount  = files.get_Length();

    for (loop = 0; loop < filesCount; loop++)
        file            = files.GetValue(loop);
        fileName        = file.get_FullName();
        mathchingFiles  = conins(mathchingFiles, conlen(mathchingFiles) + 1, fileName);


    return mathchingFiles;

Test job

To test the above code, I created the following sample files in the path C:\temp\Files\

I placed the above mentioned method in a sample class named Tutorial_WinApiServer. Then, created a job named fetchFiles with the following code.

static void fetchFiles(Args _args)
    container   files;
    counter     loop;
    str         fileName;

    files = Tutorial_WinApiServer::findMatchingFiles(@'C:\temp\Files', '*.txt');

    for (loop = 1; loop <= conlen(files); loop++)
        fileName = conpeek(files, loop);

Executing the job gave the following output.

After changing the file pattern to F*.*, the job produced the following output.

Hope that helps.

Maybe it's better to use the .NET framework?

Check if someone else has done this for you.

I've found that .NET classes expect a System.String instead of a str. Refering to:

directory   = new System.IO.DirectoryInfo(_folderPath);

When compiling the CIL I get:

Cannot create a record in Compiler information (TmpCompilerOutput). Path: \Classes\\, Warning: No proxy found. Type FileIOPermission found on the stack. This code in Class: , Method: .

My solution is to assign _folderPath to a System.String.
