Delphi: How to get (current code line, current unit, current function) without using Assertion?

冷暖自知 提交于 2019-12-04 07:55:54

You can bind your own TAssertErrorProc procedure to the AssertErrorProc variable. You might write something like this:

procedure OnAssert(const Message, Filename: string; LineNumber: Integer;
  ErrorAddr: Pointer);
  ShowMessage(Format('Assert in file "%s" at line %d.', [Filename, LineNumber]));

procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
  AssertErrorProc := OnAssert;

The easiest way to map from the instruction pointer to unit name and line number is to use one of the various debugging libraries: madExcept, EurekaLog, JclDebug etc.

These tools all rely on the detailed map file that is produced by the linker. Although these libraries are best known for producing bug reports from unexpected exceptions, they have all the functionality that you need.
