Vista BEX error

被刻印的时光 ゝ 提交于 2019-12-04 07:49:08

BEX=Buffer overflow exception. See for details. However, c000000d is STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; the technet article talks primarily about status c0000005 or c0000409 (access violation/DEP)

Java and IE7 do not like to play together nicely. Just turn off DEP, it will work fine then.

go to internet explorer options/ advanced /security/ uncheck the box that says enable memory protection to mitigate attacks this will work it did for me

go to internet explorer options/ advanced /security/ uncheck the box that says enable memory protection to mitigate attacks this will work it did for me

Most likely there is an addon that is messing with IE.

You can try this. 1. Open IE 2. Switch to the Advanced tab. 3. Click the Reset Internet Explorer Settings button. 4. Click Reset to confirm the operation. 5. Click Close when the resetting process finished. 6. Uncheck Enable third-party browser extensions option in the Settings box. 7. Click Apply, click OK.

After this, check to see if it works and if it does, enable one addon at a time until you find the culprit. Then uninstall it and reinstall it if you need it.

just try disabling the bing or msn toolbar - should do the trick.
