Plotting frequency spectrum with c++

有些话、适合烂在心里 提交于 2019-12-04 07:21:53

My Frequency intervals were completely wrong. According to; the frequency range and resolution on the x-axis depend on sampling rate and N. The last point on the frequency axis should be Fs/2-Fs/N and the resolution dF=FS/N.So I have changed my script to: (since frequency resolution is Fs/N as you increase the number of smaples N (or decrease sampling frequency Fs) you get smaller frequency resolution and better results.)

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <fftw3.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;

int main()
int i;
double y;
int N=550;//Number of points acquired inside the window
double Fs=200;//sampling frequency
double dF=Fs/N;
double  T=1/Fs;//sample time 
double f=50;//frequency
double *in;
fftw_complex *out;
double t[N];//time vector 
double ff[N];
fftw_plan plan_forward;

in = (double*) fftw_malloc(sizeof(double) * N);
out = (fftw_complex*) fftw_malloc(sizeof(fftw_complex) * N);

 for (int i=0; i<= N;i++)

in[i] =0.7 *sin(2*M_PI*f*t[i]);// generate sine waveform
double multiplier = 0.5 * (1 - cos(2*M_PI*i/(N-1)));//Hanning Window
in[i] = multiplier * in[i];

 for (int i=0; i<= ((N/2)-1);i++)
plan_forward = fftw_plan_dft_r2c_1d ( N, in, out, FFTW_ESTIMATE );

fftw_execute ( plan_forward );

double v[N];

for (int i = 0; i<= ((N/2)-1); i++)

v[i]=(20*log(sqrt(out[i][0]*out[i][0]+ out[i][1]*out[i][1])))/N;  //Here   I  have calculated the y axis of the spectrum in dB


fstream myfile;"example2.txt",fstream::out);

myfile << "plot '-' using 1:2" << std::endl;

for(i = 0;i< ((N/2)-1); i++)


myfile << ff[i]<< " " << v[i]<< std::endl;



 fftw_destroy_plan ( plan_forward );
 fftw_free ( in );
 fftw_free ( out );
 return 0;

I think you may not have enough samples, particularly, reference this Electronics.StackExhcange post:

You're sampling for 50 samples, so 25 FFT bins. You're sampling at 1000 Hz, so 1000 / 2 / 25 == 250 Hz per FFT bins. Your bin resolution is too low.

I think you need to lower the sampling frequency or increase the number of samples.

Since your question in on SO, your code could use some indentation and style improvement to make it easier to read.

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <fftw3.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;

int main(){
    // use meaningful names for all the variables
    int i;  
    double y;
    int N = 550; // number of points acquired inside the window
    double Fs = 200; // sampling frequency
    double dF = Fs / N;
    double  T = 1 / Fs; // sample time 
    double f = 50; // frequency
    double *in;
    fftw_complex *out;
    double t[N]; // time vector 
    double ff[N];
    fftw_plan plan_forward;

    in = (double*) fftw_malloc(sizeof(double) * N);
    out = (fftw_complex*) fftw_malloc(sizeof(fftw_complex) * N);

    for (int i = 0; i <= N; i++){
        in[i] = 0.7 * sin(2 * M_PI * f * t[i]); // generate sine waveform
        double multiplier = 0.5 * (1 - cos(2 * M_PI * i / (N-1))); // Hanning Window
        in[i] = multiplier * in[i];

    for(int i = 0; i <= ((N/2)-1); i++){
        ff[i] = (Fs * i) / N;

    plan_forward = fftw_plan_dft_r2c_1d(N, in, out, FFTW_ESTIMATE);


    double v[N];
    // Here I have calculated the y axis of the spectrum in dB
    for(int i = 0; i <= ((N/2)-1); i++){
        v[i] = (20 * log(sqrt(out[i][0] * out[i][0] + out[i][1] * out[i][1]))) / N;  

    fstream myfile;"example2.txt", fstream::out);
    myfile << "plot '-' using 1:2" << std::endl;

    for(i = 0; i < ((N/2)-1); i++){ 
        myfile << ff[i] << " " << v[i] << std::endl;


    return 0;

Your code can use more comments, especially before loops or function calls to specify their input value (purpose) and/or returning value (result).
